• AS1000H Handheld Inkjet Marking Pistol

    INKJET part marking offers the flexibility of quick data changes when marking a variety of products in small lots. However, for an inkjet printer to work either the part or the print head must move. The AS1000H functions as a transporter to move an inkjet print head past a product at a fixed speed while applying the part mark . The unit can be operated as a handheld which allows an operator to mark large or small parts within a 15 foot radius of the printer. The AS1000H can also be mounted to a fixed arm to supply a stationary transport. In the fixed mode, the part is held in front of the AS1000H while the operator triggers motion with a foot switch. With two free hands the operator can easily position difficult to mark products.

  • U2 Mobile Handheld Marking Systems 1

    The world's most compact mobile printer. It's ultra portable, lightweight, and easy-to-operate! Capable of printing anywhere, at any angle, without ink leakage.

  • Mark First Dot Peen

    ADP Family